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Interview with a teacher of Spanish

Today we are sharing with you an online interview we had with Lilian, a private teacher of Spanish. Lilian has already been involved in our project, by participating in the Focus Group for our Intellectual Output 5, the MOOC.



We asked her what types of digital tools she is thinking of using for the new school year: is she searching for new ones? Is she using ones that she has been using for some time already? Lilian prefers tools that she feels comfortable with and has thoroughly tested out, but at the same time she remains open to new ones, if she comes across any. She mentioned some of her favorites, and we hope you will find them useful as well:


  • Vertaal: a website offering a plethora of pre-made exercises: the learners can complete song lyrics, watch suitable news clippings with relevant pop-up questions, play crosswords, memory games and more. In Vertaal you can find exercises for UK & USA English, Spanish, Catalan, Dutch, French and Hungarian.

          Screenshot taken from the official website of Vertaal. Link:



Screenshots taken from the official website of Lingolia.

Her wish for the new school year is that less learners (or their parents) cancel their session at the last minute – especially after she has already arrived at their doorbell.

She also shared with us a little funny story that depicts the reality of being a private language teacher – meaning, you never really stop: this summer she had to do an online course while on a Greek island beach bar, with music playing in the background.

The result? The learner loved it!



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